Who We Are

The Assemblies of God is a world-renowned and established Pentecostal evangelical movement with more than a century of history,  which was officially established in Liberia in 1908. The Assemblies of God, Liberia is the oldest Pentecostal Christian denomination in Liberia. It is affiliated with the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. 
We exist to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ in Liberia and beyond by all scriptural means in the power of the Holy Spirit, to encourage worship of God and promote fellowship among believers; to develop educational work in so far as seems necessary for the proper growth and efficiency of the church.

Why We Exist

General Executives

General Superintendent
Rev. Dr. Abenda F. Tamba
Assistant Superintendent
Rev. Emmanuel K. Zabay, Sr.
General Secretary
Rev. Josiah Guidoa Mesleh
General Treasurer
Rev. Hasting F.B. Forkeyoh
National Advisor
Rev. Dr. Edward B. Tokpa

We believe in the Bible as our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice...

Places of Worship

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Preaching Paces

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Pastors and Ministers

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Regular Worshipers

1000 +